Santa Claus & Elf on the Shelf in Cleveland

What would Christmas be without a picture of your child with Santa. (Find the mall or shopping center near you.) This tradition has always had mixed results in our family. Our youngest loves Santa Claus but has reservations about sitting anywhere near him. Here are our top two places to find a good Santa Claus,  Beachwood Place, or Crocker Park.

In addition to a great photo, another way to bring the Christmas magic home is the Elf on the Shelf (Boy or Girl). I am sure you have heard about this “scout” elf from the North Pole.   The elf is Santa’s eyes and ears, and every night he travels back to the North Pole to report in with the big guy.  The box set comes with an elf doll and a book.  It is a nice book to read with your children that pays dividends all the way until Christmas. The book explains all the rules, for example,  the children cannot touch the elf and the elf can listen to what the child tells him, but cannot talk back. Your child can register online to receive an official adoption certificate and a letter from Santa. The kids get to name their elf together.  This is no easy  decision if you have more than one child!

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